
Find our weekly change logs. Contact us to suggest any feature, improvement:!

Webapp Release - Product Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Teams: remove leaders duplication inside users and leaders list
  2. Imports: allow lat/lng for all servers
  3. Mobile app: Fix the form on absent and refusal presence
Mobile App Release - Product Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix "share the app" message for open apps (app link was not in the message) (Android)
  2. Fix crash at the end of "adding a contact" tunnel (Android)
  3. Fix for team leaders: they can now see informations of their team members
  4. Fix map on action details
  5. Fix bug when go back from adding a contact from HQ page
Webapp Release - Product Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Data Transformer: use new version to avoid crash on edit contacts
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Custom dashboard: add tab for donations and memberships custom dashboard
  2. Invitations: invitations getters try to returns length of undefined
  3. Database assignation: avoid empty tags when going on segment creation screen
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. App init: repair and fallback the locale init app to avoid crash on start
  2. Members Birthdate: finalize birthdate on members
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Kpi: kpi query was called without addresses and polling station after massive deletion
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix Multiselect: fix hover on mobile for multiselect options
  2. Contact Details: extract county from its line and put it with territory
  3. signup: repair mandatory zipcode on signup

WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Donation Memberships: amount format did not support decimals amount
  2. Donation Memberships History: new status wording was reversed
  3. User Role: limit affectation superadmin role to superadmin only
  4. Users: after updating a user avoid crash on carto command center
  5. Advanced Filters: do not apply deburr on null values
  6. Donations Memberships: watch transactions count in batch to update its full attribute
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. Account-creation: add postal code mandatory for specific customers

Bug Fixes:

  1. Database access: fix segment name on delete
  2. Database access: do not display badge segments if role doesn't give access to database
  3. Database access: remove assignation access if the role is not provided for edition
  4. Database access: update the key to show the badge with contacts:read
  5. No consent email: add no_consent_email to advanced filters
  6. Transaction listing: default sort by desc created at
  7. Emails: repair the link for dns config into our help center
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. Transactions filters: Add vertical space between each search input when wrapped
  2. Transactions synthesis: Add loading after each transactions creation or update
  3. Contact base: access to the right state for users

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact transactions details: Using start_date instead of CreatedAt to get the latest membership
  2. Search between views: Keep search between contact base and : contact details / action creation (sms/email/selected area in progress)
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. Contact-adress-format: Address data sorting (housenumber/street)
  2. Transaction-synthesis: add leave cta to header in synthesis only

Bug Fixes

  1. Materials: Fix role data color
  2. Team-select-users: Select to search users in team edition panel was broken
  3. Action-creation: vue 3 error about options toggle in online events
  4. Babel: add latest babel version to fix action creation wording
  5. Element-plus: fix selects in contact form settings + online forms
Mobile App - Release Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix skip button on image profile step inside account creation tunnel

WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. Transaction-listing: added membership number and fix sticky header


  1. Users: Users are now really sorted by role
  2. Contact-form: new custom fields are hidden on mobile
  3. Batch-tunnel: pre fill campaign code in a batch

Bug Fixes:

  1. Main-map-insights: broken drop downs
  2. Export: cancel code to add blacklist and address invalid
  3. Dialog-contact-export: hide cta to access advanced settings
  4. Transaction-history: add affectation to history
  5. Transaction-synthesis: add assignment in main card
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. bulk-email-editor: remove br between p> and </p
  2. online-forms: added gender key
  3. transaction-filters: fix duplicate calls
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. emailer-wording: wording and typo on email templates

Bug Fixes

  1. auth0: use the email provided by auth/session
  2. filters: transaction and batches filters ui
  3. transaction-tunnel: add enter key press to go next step or save

WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. master-space: remove the wording for the master view role
  2. master-space: use the global cause filter
Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact-details : responsive improvement for iPad
Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes


  1. TTL: adjust TTL (disconnecting timout) to 6h

Bug Fixes

  1. advanced-filters: now use local filters to avoid advanced search side effects
  2. contact-details: align center blacklist and npai tags
  3. interactions: increase the character count for interactions fields and improve ui display
  4. portable-contact-base: remove unused code
  5. teams: improvements of screen

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. teams : searching a team can be erased and working properly

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes


  1. materials: add link in table

Bug Fixes

  1. actions-listing: order actions by creation date
  2. actions: fix start and end dates begin at 24hours
  3. email-dashboard: clean emails metabase dashboard
  4. materials: fix feedback
  5. materials: fix wording
  6. role-management: fix tasks key name

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. actions: fix date format in listing and action infos
  2. contact-details-status: remove object assign to set the object directly causing stack overflow
  3. registration-link: fix behavior with empty registration link input
  4. role-management: fix wording

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. contact: fix brevo export button

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. materials: resolve crash caused by el option value

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes


  1. public-actions: no selection teams step for public actions creation

Bug Fixes

  1. actions: fix tag action public
  2. add showClose to true to all the toasters
  3. force full reload on inconsistent data configuration
  4. mainMenu: fix actions stars icon display depending of pack name
  5. public-action: limit public action toggle to event and share actions types

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes


  1. custom-fields: can delete local non saved custom fields
  2. main-map: scale selector ellipsis and try not to display technical scale name

Bug fixes

  1. custom-fields: duplication and ordering glitch fixed
  2. main-map: prevent errors on disconnects in hope to avoid space changes bug

Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. role-management: remove menu spaces without web access
  2. user-role: fix image role
  3. action-public: add condition to create public action with subdivision value
  4. bulk-emails: add empty template babel name
  5. main-map: keep level of support text-case to make it less weird
  6. main-map: restored proper resizing & ellpsis in Tree-selector
  7. sms: bad balance left computation if each message cost more than one credit

Webapp – Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. import: bad file detection
  2. migration-vue3: fix mutation creation action
Webapp — Release update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. recover-password: fix modal en wording
  2. settings: repair aroundme mobile feature bug when editing

Webapp – Release update
Bug fixes


  1. feat(main-map): show all architectures steps

Bug Fixes

  1. fix(custom-fields): remove auto filling when erase custom field label
  2. fix(interaction): align three sections on the left
  3. fix(interaction): save right user in an interaction
  4. fix(interactions): fix an interaction layout if lot of text
  5. fix(contacts): focus contact invalid field on save

Webapp – Release update
Bug fixes


  1. export: ability to export external IDs
  2. suspended-access: show locked screen if unpaid

Bug Fixes

  1. challenge-action: deleted form objective and rewording of contact objective
  2. petition-oform: reset data after cancellation of a form or petition
  3. sidebar-menu: fix sidebar menu width
  4. wording: fix wording in contact and petition