Webapp Release - Product Update

6 Dec 2024


New Features



  1. SMS have gotten a makeover: streamline message creation with the new design of the creation space.
  2. Save time and elevate your SMS campaigns with our newly available selection of template inspirations.

Features Led by Julien, Front End Developer - Webapp at Qomon

Capture d’écran 2024-12-06 à 09.02.07.png


  1. Contact Export Template: template creation to export contacts is available.
  2. Self-generated Auto Emails: Brevo is now added as a sender.
  3. Donations & memberships: user timezone is available on batch export.
  4. Advanced filters: find new filters operators on tags and multiple choices such as "any of", "none of" and "all of".
  5. Petition categories: "mobility" and "rurality" are now added to your petition categories.

Bug Fixes

  1. Portable database: display custom fields into the portable database.
  2. Materials: fix upload thumbnail.
  3. Meeting point: disabled map click when there is no address provided in the search bar.
