
Find our weekly change logs. Contact us to suggest any feature, improvement:!

Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


Advanced Filters: add "new mandates" and "transactions" as advanced filters

Filters: add relative date as filters (tomorrow, in 7 days, etc)

Invitations: add resent date column to the invitations list

Bug Fixes

Filters: fix order membership period filter

Filters: fix missing value action filter

Filters: fix wording relative date filters

Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Contact details: add updated by section into the details part


  1. Invitation: add pack invitation by role
  2. pagination: disable total page click on contacts > 1,000,000
  3. trackers-action: add tracker public action creation

Bug Fixes

  1. Teams: fix team card, it cropped the leader avatar
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Import: add latitude and longitude for imports on the US
  2. Add Trackers in the Webapp

Bug Fixes

  1. Merge Contacts: fix loader and remove unnecessary calls based on pack
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Imports: add consent to imports for the US

Bug Fixes

  1. Sign Up: missing "next" button on sign up process
  2. Contact details: fix issue of same data for multiple date inputs
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Petitions: add custom fields when creating your petitions


  1. List of users: remove filters for team view and fix role selector
  2. Log in with auth0: improvement in the behavior
  3. Petition Wording: fix wording when customizing
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. List of users: Add new filters (cities, roles, without teams) and allow to assign users to one team easily


  1. Donations: add default value to donation and sort assignments list
  2. Import: prevent multiple simultaneous imports

Bug Fixes

  1. Maps: fix pannel expand on safari and firefox
  2. Bulk email editor: resolved crash for some spaces
  3. Mandates: fix missing gender title
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Massive contacts edition: add "no consent mobile" and "no consent email" to selector


  1. Online forms: disable drag for existing fields to prevent duplicate
  2. Maps: handle big amounts of captions and limit them to 6 before being able to expand the panel
  3. Massive contacts edition: add modification alert for "no consent mobile and "no consent email"

Bug Fixes

  1. Maps: repair the possibility to send sms after creating a polygon from the maps tab
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Invitation Sign-up: no need to verify the email when the invitation was sent by email
  2. Transaction synthesis: add free membership warning to the contact card


  1. Sign-up: asking to a user for additional informations on auth0 methods based on Qomon
  2. Advanced Filters: improve wording for consent filters in the mobile app
  3. Members-list: wait for the teams to be retrieved before displaying the list of members
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Hours Format: Users can now choose hours format (12h or 24h) from their profiles. Default setting is based on the browser locale.

Bug Fixes

  1. Users: last modification about tooltips
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Embed Petition: embed petition dialog
  2. Transactions Filters: save transactions and batches filters
  3. Mandates: manage merge of mandates and add phone, email and address fields
  4. New Roles: add membership status and view + edit mandates roles and dissociate send email sms
  5. Users: refacto users list and user detail

Bug Fixes

  1. Donations Memberships: allow to edit payment methods in only first transactions of batch
  2. Global Notification: fix back button interactivity
WebApp - Product Release
New features


  1. Contacts Export: allow to uncheck surname and married name for directmail
  2. Transactions: contact details in transaction tunnel and batch sort

Bug Fixes .

  1. Bulk email: avoid template duplication on creation/save
  2. Contacts export: add first firstname to default reset for directmail
  3. Contacts export: modify checkbox presets rules
  4. Date format: fix date display when adding contact
WebApp - Product Release
New features


  1. Member invitations: Allow to add role and segment to each invitation
WebApp - Product Release
New features


  1. Account Creation: fill form with url query coming from invitation email cta

Bug Fixes

  1. Donations memberships dashboard: allow to use custom dashboard url sent by backend
  2. Database Access assignation: add wording to restricted access if no settings access
  3. Database Access assignation: change wording to back to segment term in fr
  4. Sign-up: fixed birthdate form validation
  5. Users: make postal code visible alone + adjust age alignment
WebApp - Release Update
New features


  1. Date Format: date formatting using localstorage


  1. Action Creation: reset the action creation flow after leaving the tunnel
  2. Action Detail: improve component and clean some console warning
  3. Members: add age to card and detail + edition sidebar
  4. Sign-up: add birthdate to form

Bug Fixes

  1. Action Header Menu: remove console warning about non props attribute on transition group
  2. Action-list: fix console warning about percentage props
  3. Batch-listing: fix console warning
  4. Transactions-listing: fix console warning about having no root element in table
WebApp - Release Update
New features


  1. Search and filters: keep them alive between some routes defined in contacts
  2. Brevo transactional users can now use the same template engine as Qomon Email users
  3. The sender list is synchronized from brevo for a better experience.

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact details history: localized date
  2. Contact settings: fix duplicate state and county
  3. Search and filters: add some little adjustments to duplicate merge and actions
  4. Search date picker: localized format
WebApp - Release Update
New features

New Feature:

  1. Improve communication role access: It is now possible to access the contact database with the role "Access Communications" (without the role "Access Contact Database"). The user will only have access to contact display in the "card" format and will have the ability to send emails and SMS based on the selected area.


  1. Search between views: Keep search between views (following of 2.102.8 => Search-between-views: Keep search between contact base and : contact details / action creation (sms/email/selected area in progress))
WebApp - Release Update
New features


  1. contacts: add created at and updated at filters on contact
  2. updated deploy to use agent


  1. action-creation: add filter to action creation type to avoid bug on form filter

Bug Fixes:

  1. autosend-email-preview: fix bug displaying a warning not needed
  2. contact-header: fix contact dropdown item ui
  3. kpi-map: move controls up to avoid collision with Intercom
WebApp - Release Update
New features


  1. auth0: add new login page and onboarding workflow
WebApp - Central Space is live!
New features
WebApp - Central Space is live!


  1. Central Space: Create subspaces within your Central Space. Decide to create actions or forms, launch petitions and upload documents on a local or global level.
  2. Settings custom mobile: add settings customization mobile

Bug Fixes

  1. members: fix email clipboard copy
  2. settings: fix campaign code clipboard copy on firefox and safari

All Platforms - Release Update
New features


  1. batches-listing:added payment method kinds column
  2. membership-contact-details: display last membership created at inside transaction tunnel

Bug Fixes

  1. contacts: fix gender other A into O
  2. custom-mandatory: fix mandatory custom in add contact
  3. router-middleware: avoid experimental api call to improve routing speed
Webapp — New role management feature
New features
Webapp — New role management feature


  1. role-management: add role management

Bug Fixes

  1. action-detail: remove unused css code
  2. wordpress-integration: add wording and help link to online form and connect and api

Mobile - Release update
New features


  1. Overall performance improvements
  2. Redesigned Materials tab with categories
  3. Bugs fixes so that you can mobilize worry-free!

Webapp - New Communication Hub live!
New features
Webapp - New Communication Hub live!


  1. communications: refacto communications pages
  2. main-map: show all contacts by default
  3. role-management: remove menu spaces without web access
  4. user-role: fix image role


  1. action-public: add condition to create public action with subdivision value
  2. babel: add latest babel version
  3. bulk-emails: add empty template babel name
  4. communications-general: add ui and wording to email card when no brevo an no ee connected

Bug Fixes

  1. bulk-emails: wording
  2. communications-general: fix wording
  3. custom-fields: can delete local non saved custom fields
  4. custom-fields: duplication and ordering glitch fixed
  5. documents: add fix for empty category
  6. main-map: keep level of support text-case to make it less weird
  7. main-map: prevent errors on disconnects in hope to avoid space changes bug
  8. main-map: restored proper resizing & ellpsis in Tree-selector
  9. main-map: scale selector ellipsis and try not to display technical scale name
  10. main-map: show all contacts by default
  11. sms: bad balance left computation if each message cost more than one credit

Webapp > Maps – Release update
New features


  1. New powerful turf (play with it)
  2. Maps have been technologically & UI / UX upgraded everywhere 
  3. Contact map is uniformed with main data map in terms of "heatmap"
  4. The map / list button in the contact database has been moved

Webapp – Release update
New features


  1. contact-details: Add img preview
  2. import-custom-fields: add custom fields in import

Bug Fixes

  1. actions: enable logout from create action tunnel
  2. actions: fix uk search area key bug
  3. actions: redirect to actions list if change space in creation tunnel
  4. contact-details: we can know save leveloS independently of other fields
  5. document: delete useless document file
  6. settings: general is active when privacy policy is active
  7. settings: replace duplicate premium bagde by contact support cta

Webapp — You can now create online forms!
New features

feature screen onlineforms EN.png


  1. You can now create powerful online forms, fully customizable once integrated into your website. Check the help center for more details.
  2. Custom field creation is now available for all Premium customers (creation, display on contact card, field editing, display on mobile application, available in exports) coming soon: import . [Various types of custom fields are available: (short text, numeric, single choice, multiple choice, date).]

Bug Fixes

contact-details: clean consents and avoid duplications scenario on save

Webapp — Custom Fields Available!
New features

Features :

  1. New options to customize and reorganize contact fields
  2. Early access to Custom Fields for beta testers
  3. Early access to Online Forms for beta testers

Bug Fixes :

  1. Wording repair in the action pages
Webapp — Release update
New features


  1. changelog: add changelog link on login page and profile menu dropdown
  2. contact-details: add Qomon id on contact card
  3. gui-font: update gui font
  4. petition: add country input
  5. pop-up-download-mobile: update UX pop up download mobile app


  1. action-creation: forbidden to create brief without title and content in action creation
  2. recover-password: use new password right placeholder

Bug Fixes

  1. action-creation: crash when address search occurence was empty, now handle empty string
  2. arrow-menu: fix extra arrow menu
  3. contact-sheet: remove export pdf button
  4. main-side-bar: scroll was broken in vertical menu
  5. petition: fix copy iframe code button
  6. petition: fix embed petition param during editing + added 600px default height to iframe
  7. petition: fix params bar opening while not in editing mode
  8. tiptap: add tiptap/pm package to be able to use certain extensions
  9. typo-contact-empty: fix extra dot
  10. typo-login: fix typo button login

Webapp — Release update
New features


  1. You can now create a territory from within the add a contact.
  2. New design of the drop-down menu in the main menu


  1. Added padding on the “Questionnaires” page

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed bug encountered when the date is empty when creating a petition
Webapp - Petition is now available
New features
Webapp - Petition is now available


  1. petition : new feature available
  2. advanced-filters: add possibility to filter contacts by the petition title
  3. map: grey as missing data color now and tweaked styles handling
  4. map: new border color logic in cross analysis too
  5. map: new map color / borders setup, better territory distinction
  6. map: set a maximum luminance color for contours
  7. new-sms-count: add new way to count sms
  8. privacy-policy: add privacy policy settings to add url and use it in all builded features
  9. privacy-policy: enhance privacy policy settings behaviour + give focus when editing

Bug Fixes

  1. Map: clarified isMissingData logic and more robust Cross Analysis colors
  2. extensions: desactivate sendinblue when activate nationbuilder
  3. extensions: toggle now trigger input display
  4. interactions: enhance members display in interaction popup
  5. new-sms-count: remove hardcoded value in data
  6. petition: fix duplicated check privacy policy from rebase
  7. petition: on delete add warning message publish in progress
  8. privacy-policy: cancel work well now