
Find our weekly change logs. Contact us to suggest any feature, improvement:!

Webapp Release - Product Update
New features

New Features

  1. Imports: add consent to imports for the US

Bug Fixes

  1. Sign Up: missing "next" button on sign up process
  2. Contact details: fix issue of same data for multiple date inputs
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Petitions: add custom fields when creating your petitions


  1. List of users: remove filters for team view and fix role selector
  2. Log in with auth0: improvement in the behavior
  3. Petition Wording: fix wording when customizing
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. List of users: Add new filters (cities, roles, without teams) and allow to assign users to one team easily


  1. Donations: add default value to donation and sort assignments list
  2. Import: prevent multiple simultaneous imports

Bug Fixes

  1. Maps: fix pannel expand on safari and firefox
  2. Bulk email editor: resolved crash for some spaces
  3. Mandates: fix missing gender title
Mobile App Release - Product Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix "share the app" message for open apps (app link was not in the message) (Android)
  2. Fix crash at the end of "adding a contact" tunnel (Android)
  3. Fix for team leaders: they can now see informations of their team members
  4. Fix map on action details
  5. Fix bug when go back from adding a contact from HQ page
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Massive contacts edition: add "no consent mobile" and "no consent email" to selector


  1. Online forms: disable drag for existing fields to prevent duplicate
  2. Maps: handle big amounts of captions and limit them to 6 before being able to expand the panel
  3. Massive contacts edition: add modification alert for "no consent mobile and "no consent email"

Bug Fixes

  1. Maps: repair the possibility to send sms after creating a polygon from the maps tab
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Invitation Sign-up: no need to verify the email when the invitation was sent by email
  2. Transaction synthesis: add free membership warning to the contact card


  1. Sign-up: asking to a user for additional informations on auth0 methods based on Qomon
  2. Advanced Filters: improve wording for consent filters in the mobile app
  3. Members-list: wait for the teams to be retrieved before displaying the list of members
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Hours Format: Users can now choose hours format (12h or 24h) from their profiles. Default setting is based on the browser locale.

Bug Fixes

  1. Users: last modification about tooltips
Webapp Release - Product Update
New features


  1. Embed Petition: embed petition dialog
  2. Transactions Filters: save transactions and batches filters
  3. Mandates: manage merge of mandates and add phone, email and address fields
  4. New Roles: add membership status and view + edit mandates roles and dissociate send email sms
  5. Users: refacto users list and user detail

Bug Fixes

  1. Donations Memberships: allow to edit payment methods in only first transactions of batch
  2. Global Notification: fix back button interactivity
WebApp - Product Release
New features


  1. Contacts Export: allow to uncheck surname and married name for directmail
  2. Transactions: contact details in transaction tunnel and batch sort

Bug Fixes .

  1. Bulk email: avoid template duplication on creation/save
  2. Contacts export: add first firstname to default reset for directmail
  3. Contacts export: modify checkbox presets rules
  4. Date format: fix date display when adding contact
Webapp Release - Product Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Data Transformer: use new version to avoid crash on edit contacts
WebApp Release - Product Update


  1. Short answer custom field type are now limited to 280 characters (instead of 40)
Mobile App - Product Release


  1. Notifications must work better:
  2. Click on notifications concerning actions or new materials must take you to the right action or material
  3. Better notification badge management
  4. Better display of notifications
  5. Birthdate is now integrated into the onboarding tunnel
WebApp - Product Release


  1. Database Access assignation: update role access to settings:delete according to roles
  2. Singup: Add the possibility to have the firstname and lastname mandatory
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Custom dashboard: add tab for donations and memberships custom dashboard
  2. Invitations: invitations getters try to returns length of undefined
  3. Database assignation: avoid empty tags when going on segment creation screen
WebApp - Product Release
New features


  1. Member invitations: Allow to add role and segment to each invitation
WebApp - Product Release
New features


  1. Account Creation: fill form with url query coming from invitation email cta

Bug Fixes

  1. Donations memberships dashboard: allow to use custom dashboard url sent by backend
  2. Database Access assignation: add wording to restricted access if no settings access
  3. Database Access assignation: change wording to back to segment term in fr
  4. Sign-up: fixed birthdate form validation
  5. Users: make postal code visible alone + adjust age alignment
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. App init: repair and fallback the locale init app to avoid crash on start
  2. Members Birthdate: finalize birthdate on members
WebApp - Release Update
New features


  1. Date Format: date formatting using localstorage


  1. Action Creation: reset the action creation flow after leaving the tunnel
  2. Action Detail: improve component and clean some console warning
  3. Members: add age to card and detail + edition sidebar
  4. Sign-up: add birthdate to form

Bug Fixes

  1. Action Header Menu: remove console warning about non props attribute on transition group
  2. Action-list: fix console warning about percentage props
  3. Batch-listing: fix console warning
  4. Transactions-listing: fix console warning about having no root element in table
WebApp - Product Release


  1. Database Access Assignation: add control on settings:read access before allowing assignation
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Kpi: kpi query was called without addresses and polling station after massive deletion
WebApp - Release Update


  1. Action Edition: add addresses tooltip wording for canvassing and calling action
  2. Action Creation: increase the max length from 40 to 70 for action's name
  3. Contact Details: extract county from its line and put it with territory
  4. Main Side Bar: adjust toggle menu tooltip

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact Details Address: fix address format for us users
  2. Email Box Status Request: handle null response
  3. Email: prevent filter on null or undefined email box status array
  4. Signup: repair mandatory zipcode on signup
  5. Stop Sms: change stop sms wording a bit
WebApp - Product Release
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix Multiselect: fix hover on mobile for multiselect options
  2. Contact Details: extract county from its line and put it with territory
  3. signup: repair mandatory zipcode on signup

WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  1. Donation Memberships: amount format did not support decimals amount
  2. Donation Memberships History: new status wording was reversed
  3. User Role: limit affectation superadmin role to superadmin only
  4. Users: after updating a user avoid crash on carto command center
  5. Advanced Filters: do not apply deburr on null values
  6. Donations Memberships: watch transactions count in batch to update its full attribute
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. Account-creation: add postal code mandatory for specific customers

Bug Fixes:

  1. Database access: fix segment name on delete
  2. Database access: do not display badge segments if role doesn't give access to database
  3. Database access: remove assignation access if the role is not provided for edition
  4. Database access: update the key to show the badge with contacts:read
  5. No consent email: add no_consent_email to advanced filters
  6. Transaction listing: default sort by desc created at
  7. Emails: repair the link for dns config into our help center
WebApp - Release Update
New features


  1. Search and filters: keep them alive between some routes defined in contacts
  2. Brevo transactional users can now use the same template engine as Qomon Email users
  3. The sender list is synchronized from brevo for a better experience.

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact details history: localized date
  2. Contact settings: fix duplicate state and county
  3. Search and filters: add some little adjustments to duplicate merge and actions
  4. Search date picker: localized format
WebApp - Release Update


  1. Online Forms: County and State are now available for online forms.

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact details history: add localized date format
WebApp - Release Update
New features

New Feature:

  1. Improve communication role access: It is now possible to access the contact database with the role "Access Communications" (without the role "Access Contact Database"). The user will only have access to contact display in the "card" format and will have the ability to send emails and SMS based on the selected area.


  1. Search between views: Keep search between views (following of 2.102.8 => Search-between-views: Keep search between contact base and : contact details / action creation (sms/email/selected area in progress))
WebApp - Release Update
Bug fixes


  1. Transactions filters: Add vertical space between each search input when wrapped
  2. Transactions synthesis: Add loading after each transactions creation or update
  3. Contact base: access to the right state for users

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact transactions details: Using start_date instead of CreatedAt to get the latest membership
  2. Search between views: Keep search between contact base and : contact details / action creation (sms/email/selected area in progress)
WebApp - Release Update


  1. Contact-details: last unseen wording change and add tooltip
  2. Forms-utils: add contact fields translation function

Bug Fixes

  1. Contact-address: sort house number and street by forms order in details and contact base
  2. Edit-list: reduce excessing calling tree calling api kpi
  3. Contact-form-settings: fix contact fields translation function
  4. Transactions-filters: fix filters display for missing campaign code
  5. transaction-listing: sort by transaction date and not by created at
  6. wording: update wording for segment limitation
Mobile App - Release Update


  1. Remove white background color behind image covers
  2. Fix repeated cover images
  3. Enable multilines for labels inside tasks on Rate screen